Artwork of the future

Libretto by Rob Handel

Music by Eric Moe

Fresh Squeezed Opera, debut May 2023

HERE Arts Center


..singers did an astonishing job unfurling their lyrical lines over the busy instrumental underpinnings, which offered little obvious pitch reference...Daniel Klein used his capacious baritone effectively as Ted and Dewey, the robot
— Joanne Sydney Lessner - Opera News
featuring stentorian bass-baritone Daniel Klein—as Dewey...His voice was definitive and certain as he faced the audience, gazing around the performance hall
— Jennifer Pyron - OperaWire
As Ted, the windbag TED talker who fires Spearmint with centuries-spanning ambition, Daniel Klein so filled the room with his foghorn bass-baritone that one could have sworn he had amplification. As the robot museum guide and Shirl’s robot servant Dewey, Klein was less stentorian and more subtly creepy.
— New York Classical Review
a cast who sing the bejeezus out of their parts and act up a storm...Daniel Klein’s Ted has all the smoothness of a fast-talking salesmen. He is stiff and robot-like as Dewey, every inch the proper butler, but with defiance in his eyes and disdain in his voice.
— Rick Peridan - Seen and Hear International